Accessibility Modifications At Unicorn Fish Hatchery
Millington, MD
Unicorn Lake, a tributary to the Chester River, is a 43-acre impoundment that has a maximum depth of 8 feet, with a mean depth of 4 feet. The lake is managed as a largemouth bass and bluegill fishery. Existing mechanism to access the lake is either by using launching ramp or pier behind the main office of the hatchery. The scope of the project includes designing new ADA compliant VAN accessible parking space, concrete access ramp and installation of gangway and new floating fishing dock. In addition to this the scope includes, designing a 6’ x 6’ concrete pad for a future ADA compliant restroom as well as relocating the 4’ x 4’ concrete pad for the trash can and relocating the fishing line recycler.
- Civil Site Design
- Erosion and Sediment Control
- ADA Comliant Design Modifications
- Product Research
- Cost Estimates
- CAD Drawings and Specifications
- Bidding and Construction Phase Services

Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant Biosolids Management Program, Main Processing Train (MPT)
Washington, DC
ECE was asked to be a sub-consultant on a project that will construct the main process train (MPT) which is the second phase of the overall project for DC Water to implement its BMP. The scope of work for the $208 million contract calls for the rehabilitation of four solid blending tanks, installation of 12 new strain screens in a new screenings building, a pre-dewatering building housing, 10 pre-dewatering centrifuges, four trains of Cambi’s thermal hydrolysis treatment (THP), a digester building including pumping and cooling heat exchangers, four 3.8 million-gallon digesters, and associated odor control equipment.
ECE was sub-contracted as the Quality Control Technician (QCT). The following labels the roles and responsibilities adhered to by the QCT: Proactively works with crews and subcontractors to ensure contract requirements are adhered to and include the most current contract revisions prior to beginning work. Ensures submittals, working drawings, and current plans are distributed to crews. Regularly observes construction operations, materials, methods, and workmanship for conformance to the plans, specifications, approved submittals, shop drawings, RFIs, and all other revisions. Conducts field inspections, acceptance, and/or rejection of work performed. Coordinates, conducts, witnesses, or approves on-site testing (soil, concrete placement, hydrostatic, and NDE). Verifies testings are properly documented to ensure that work is performed correctly. Immediately resolves quality control issues. Maintains As-Built documentation and records. Assists in the coordination of punch list inspections and completion. Performs system verification on completed systems and receipt inspections. Prepares daily reports in the format required and identifies current or anticipated problems. Prepares photographic documentation. Coordinates and communicates with the Owner’s QA staff. Adheres to safety, quality, ethical standards, lessons learned, and performance management programs in accordance with policies, standards, and guidelines.

Arlington County Water Pollution Control Plant
Arlington, VA
The Arlington County expanded and upgraded the capacity of its Water Pollution Control Plant in Alexandria, Virginia. Environ-Civil Engineering was part of the Construction Management team that provided quality assurance inspection of the construction of the contract document. Specifically, ECE provided the inspection related to the mechanical aspect of the construction. The work activities consisted of construction of the following:
- Primary Clarifier Modifications
- Operations Control Building Modifications
- Blower Building Modifications
- Aeration Tanks and Aeration Tank Modifications
- Mixed Liquor Flow Distribution Structures
- Foam Collection Pump Station
- Surface Waste Pump Station
- Secondary Clarifier Modifications
- East Secondary Services and ASE1 Pump Station Modifications
- Backwash Storage Tanks
- Electrical Distribution Centers and Electrical Switchgear
- Primary Effluent Flume
- Associated demolition, site work, pipeline installation, electrical upgrades, instrumentation work and other miscellaneous activities required to complete the construction

Back River Sanitary Contract No. 877
Baltimore, MD
ECE performs daily inspection services which include the following: construction stakeout, inspection of construction, inspection of on-site materials, workmanship, and construction inspections to ensure that the construction complies with the plans, special provisions, and specifications provided by the City of Baltimore Department of Public Works (DPW). The Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant project’s primary goal is to remove nitrogen and phosphorus to the limit of technology in accordance with the Maryland Department of the Environment’s (MDE) Enhanced Nitrogen Removal (ENR) Strategy. The team administers construction contracts, ensuring that all construction work is performed in accordance with approved construction drawings and specifications, and all other construction contractual requirements are met by the performing contractor.
ECE’s construction inspection services for this project include: constructability review, construction management, field inspection, resident inspection, project controls, and office engineering services. Field activities of inspectors include: verifying construction stakeout for location and elevation, oversight of construction, inspection of on-site materials, and workmanship to ensure that the construction complies with the specifications, plans, and special provisions provided by DPW. ECE inspectors constantly monitor erosion and sediment control to comply with MDE requirements and provides Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Control. The inspector utilizes Primavera and Contract Management release 14 (CM14) to address the following: planning, scheduling, document management, project controls, and project tracking.
In addition to daily inspection of work activities for quality assurance, the inspector participates in progress meetings with the contractor. ECE’s Inspector maintains open lines of communication between the general contractor, superintendent, foremen, concrete batch plant operators, concrete truck drivers, and the laborers. The open lines of communication have ensured that certain field issues are addressed and dealt with promptly.

DelDOT North Region I-95 Mainline Widening
ECE provided field construction services. The tasks included, but were not limited to, inspection of backfill materials, maintenance of traffic, material inspections, field testing, erosion and sediment control, monitoring and documenting contractor work.
ECE monitored and documented contractor performance, inspected the sediment and erosion contract for contract adherence. Participated in progress meetings.

ENR Facilities at Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant
Baltimore, MD
ECE served as a sub-consultant on the construction management team for the Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant. Under this on-call contract, ECE provided both civil and mechanical inspection support.
ECE performed the inspections for subgrade preparations, installation of HPDE liners, and the installation of rebar mating to ensure that it was installed as per contract drawings and placement of concrete. The project included overseeing the installation of equipment, such as backwash pumps, main feeding pumps, backwash blowers, polymer units, polymer blending units, polymer tanks, thickened sludge tanks, thickened sludge pumps, aeration nozzles and drop legs for the DNF filters and mud wells. The Dissolved Air Floatation Thickening (DAFT) units, air compressors, skimmer units and associated piping for each unit. ECE observed and verified the installation of media for each filter in DNF and cell in BAF. ECE also observed the testing of all associated piping systems and testing for each unit, and weekly/monthly maintenance of each unit as performed by the contractor as per the manufacturer’s recommendations and owner’s manuals.
ECE reviewed all of the contract documents, maintained job site as-built records, field correspondence and memos, punch list maintenance, safety compliance assurance, field inspection, daily reports, maintenance logs, quantity takeoff, material logs, and delivery tickets, and attended all progress meetings. Using the construction drawings and specifications, ECE ensured that the construction contractor and trade workers adhered to the technical requirements of the contract documents.

Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant Additions #6 & 7
Environ-Civil Engineering (ECE) was contracted to assist the Howard County Department of Public Works (DPW) in providing construction inspection services during extension #7 of the Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant located in Savage, Maryland. The project was implemented in two phases, Phase 1, consisted of the construction of anaerobic tanks. The work performed was related to the inspection of the anaerobic tanks constructed for the treatment system of waste received at the plant from a nearby Dairy company.
The components of second phase of the construction included:
- Replacement of the existing raw wastewater screens and conveyors
- Upgraded the facility to meet Code requirements; upgraded primary clarifier #1 and modified the yard piping.
- Construction of one new North process reactor similar to the existing units
- Modification of the existing East/West biological process reactors and constructing a new splitter box.
- Modification of the existing North biological process reactors.
- Construction of one new North final clarifier (clarifier 13).
- Replacement of the RAS and WAS pumps, piping and appurtenances in the existing North, East and West pipe galleries.
- Upgraded the New Auxiliary North pipe gallery with new RAS and WAS pumps, piping, and appurtenances.
- A new East/West Blower Building
- Replacement of two existing blowers in the North Blower building
- Rehabilitated the final existing clarifiers 2 through 5 where we replaced the sludge and scum collection mechanisms and replaced the in-board effluent launders.
- Construction of the new Denitrification filter complex including influent pumping station, clear well, mud well and the ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection facility.
Construction of the new Methanol storage and feeding system. Upgraded post aeration system with the membrane diffuser system and centrifugal blowers; new effluent flow metering vault. In addition, worked on the Alum feed upgrades; Hypochlorite feeding upgrades; upgraded one new high solids decanter centrifuge added to the dewatering building. ECE upgraded and expanded odor collection and treatment facilities for the dewatering and lime stabilization areas; miscellaneous piping modifications; miscellaneous electrical modifications and upgrades. The services that ECE provided included, but were not limited to, the following: participation in the weekly and monthly construction progress meetings; assisted the client with the preparation progress reports during construction; maintained effective public and political relations. ECE also assisted the client in the technical requirements of the contract documents, and provided the construction inspection services.

MAYO ENR FM & Glebe Heights
The Mayo Project consisted of drilling and installing 20-24inch force main HPDE and installation of air release valve (ARV) vaults. The inspection services included but were not limited to: recording the temperatures and pressures of the weld machinery; overseeing proper fusing practices as been performed; inspection of bend test to check the fusing of the pipes at 120-degree angle to insure breakage does not occur under the earth. Drill fluid samples must be recorded and tested for the viscosity, fluid weight, and sand content while drilling operation is being performed. Recorded and witnessed the thrust and rotation pressures of the drill that were being performed to prevent malfunction of the HDPE DR 11 and DR 9 due to being stretched in the process. Oversaw and recorded the performance of Hydro Static and Air Test to insure the procedure is performed without any leaks and ensure that welds on the fused pipe remain intact. Submitted weekly erosion and sediment control (ENS) reports and perform on-site walk throughs to ensure that the contractors have setup their limit of disturbance (LOD) and that the erosion and sediment devices are properly installed and working and submitted weekly reports. Integrated part of the inspections services include meeting with county and City Environmentalist and Contractor. Inspected and reported all work associated with the installation of ARV vaults and tie end. In addition, records of inspected work performed inside the Annapolis Wastewater Treatment Plant which includes installation of bypass pumps, temporary piping and connections were well documented. Inspections of effluent wet wells and installation of junction structures and manholes. Which is supposed to improve operations in the grit rooms were performed. Attended weekly coordination meetings to discuss the progress and quality control of the project.

Metro Parking Garage No. 2
Owings Mills, MD
Under an On-Call contract with the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) for construction management and inspection services. Environ-Civil Engineering, Ltd. (ECE) was tasked to provide engineering cost for the Metro Parking Garage No. 2 in Owings Mills, Maryland.
The cost estimate was taken off from the drawings provided to ECE by MTA. The drawings are architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical. ECE made the assumption that the drawings used are 100% complete as stated in the task order. The cost estimate consisted of sixteen (16) C.S.I. sections ΜΆ 1) General Requirements, 2) Site Work, 3) Concrete Work, 4) Masonry Work, 5) Metals, 6) Wood and Plastics, 7) Thermal and Moisture Protection, 8) Doors and Windows, 9) Finishes, 10) Specialties, 11) Equipment, 12) Furnishings, 13) Special Construction, 14) Conveying Systems, 15) Mechanical Systems, and 16) Electrical systems.
The site drawing and traffic control drawings were not provided; therefore, the cost associated with them was not included in the estimate provided. No specification for the project was provided by MTA, therefore, the general requirement for Division 1 was assumed at 8.5% of the subcontractor cost. To estimate the total cost for each division, a 10% GC markup was added to the estimated subcontractor cost.
For the estimated cost, the following were added to the Subtotal a ten percent (10%) design contingency, ten percent (10%) construction contingency and yearly escalation of 3.8%.

On-Call Water Contract 1262 East Baltimore Midway Neighborhood and Vicinity - Water Main Replacement
Baltimore, MD
ECE provided Construction Inspection services on the On-Call Water Contract 1262 East Baltimore Midway Neighborhood and Vicinity-Water Main Replacement. ECE was part of a Construction Management team under the On-Call Construction Management services to the City of Baltimore Department of Public Works (DPW). The goal of this project was to replace the existing deteriorating water supply distribution system infrastructure with new ductile iron pipes and fittings of various sizes, ranging from 3 inches to 20 inches in diameter, single and twin meter vaults, and gate valves with their corresponding gate valve boxes. In addition, the work included the installation of fire hydrants and temporary water supply, sidewalk, curb, gutter restoration, roadway paving, erosion and sediment control, maintenance of traffic, and restoration of all disturbed areas.
ECE coordinated work activities with the city and the contractor to ensure that the contract drawings and plans are adhered to. The responsibilities for this project included providing oversight of construction operations, materials, methods and execution to ensure conformance to the plans, and specifications. ECE’s Field Inspector approved the submittals, shop drawings, RFIs and all other subsequent changes as the project progresses. ECE ensured the daily reports that documented the current site conditions and/or identified the anticipated problems, were prepared in the required format. ECE’s Inspector documented and reported any issues that city residents had with the work being done by the contractor, and prepares photographic documentation of the work activities.
ECE coordinated and provided oversight of the testing company during field compaction tests. The Field Inspector, who successfully completed a mandated Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) water sampling certification course; and becoming approved for the collection of drinking water samples required under the Safe Drinking Water Act and State Regulations. He collected water samples to be tested at the municipal water treatment plant. The tests were done to check for the presence of minimum required chlorine levels in any potential lines (temporary or newly installed) that will provide drinking water to the residents, and to test for the absence of E. coli bacteria within those lines.

Richmond Wastewater Treatment Plant BNR Upgrades
Richmond, VA
The following contract duties consist of construction management; shop drawing reviews, responding to RFI’s, issue RFP’s, review NOC’s, attend progress meetings, prepare SOP’s, and O&M manuals, and system startups. ECE has been the construction manager for all five contracts.
Contract No. 1 - Methanol Addition Facility – Consists of constructing a new building; methanol chemical feed system; and fire suppression system.
Contract No. 2 - UV Addition Facility – Consists of a new building; TROJAN UV treatment system; new plant water system; decommissioning of the chlorination system; and installation of new effluent aeration system. The contract also requires switchgear upgrades that consist of building a new electrical building; upgrading connections for WWTP power supply sources; upgrade existing transformers plant wide; and providing new secondary duct bank.
Contract No. 3 - Scum Control System – Consists of constructing a new concentrator building, biological odor control system; scum collection and dewatering systems.
Contract No. 4 -Bioaugmentation System – consists of rehabbing existing structures; installation of new aeration tank; settling basin; centrate supernatant; magnesium hydroxide chemical feed system; RAS pumps; WAS pumps; and recirculation pumps. This contract also calls for aeration/RAS capacity upgrades consisting of upgrading the RAS and WAS pumps and piping; rehabilitation of the aeration blowers; upgrading the aeration system; and replacing the aeration basins slide gates.
Contract No. 5 - Final Sedimentation Facilities Expansion – Consists of new access building; two (2) new final sedimentation basins; expanding the RAS pumping system capacity; Fermentation Process Facilities that consist of upgrading two (2) anaerobic digesters into a sludge fermentation system; fermented sludge pumping systems; install tank covers for gravity sludge thickening tanks; and Bioaugmentation Process Facility for upgrading the facilities centrifuge pump system.

SOD Run WWTP Upgrade
Harford County Department of Public Works obtained Construction Management services to oversee the construction on various capital improvement projects. Environ-Civil Engineering (ECE) was part of the construction management team on the Sod Run WWTP ENR Upgrade project. ECE provided inspection and monitoring services of the general contractor’s daily work activities as well as third party inspectors, for concrete, rebar, and soils inspections for expansion and rehabilitation of plant process reactors and clarifiers.
ECE’s inspector prepared and maintained a daily construction inspection report/log documentation of field activities which included: the status of existing tasks, commencement of new tasks, inventory of major equipment on the site, tests performed, problems and errors in the field, items not conforming to project documents etc.
ECE’s inspector documented and verified site work on a daily basis such as materials, location, dimensions, quality etc. to ensure conformance with the project documents. Additionally, the inspector scheduled and coordinated all quality assurance testing on the site including third party testing. Using Primavera CM-13 software, the inspector reviewed and checked RFI’s and submittals.
ECE’s inspector scheduled third party inspectors for soils inspections and concrete testing. ECE’s Inspector compiled daily report work activity.