ECE's Columbia Office Wins M-NCPPC Water and Sewer System Analysis Contract
November 25, 2013
COLUMBIA, MD - In August 2013, ECE was awarded No. P33-121 Multi-Disciplinary, Multi Year, Architectural, Landscape Architectural, Engineering and Other Related Services: Category H – Sewer and Water System Analysis Project. This $400,000 per year contract will run for a two-year initial period and cover all tasks related to Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) in both Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties.
ECE has assembled a multi-disciplinary project team that will provide various services concentrating on water and sewer system analysis such as facility plans reviews, sanitary sewer monitoring and metering, Inflow and infiltration (I/I) studies, pipe assessment, and hydraulic modeling. The lead Project Manager, M. Yomi Osoba, would like to thank all of our team members who helped us obtain this Contract.